...in which, Zombie Kitty Kawaii! celebrates and Zombie Mini Kawaii! leaves the building...
Zombie Kitty Kawaii! has spent Christmas in Wales with her host Sarah. And, what a lot of fun they've been up to! :
"ZKK2 has had a lovely Christmas with me here in Wales! The awful weather
and flooding meant we haven't had many adventures, but we've made our
own fun at home..."
I'm glad your "angel" is not a "weeping angel" ( Sorry. Doctor Who reference. I couldn't help myself.). -Louise
Whoo! Whoo! Thhpptt! |
I hope ZKK didn't drink all that Banana beer by herself... |
Meanwhile, in Finland, Zombie Mini Kawaii! has taken her leave of Carina and is currently traveling to some other unsuspecting host...
Carina writes us:
Here's Kitty's passport... I took her to the airport yesterday. She was
so excited about the trip and the new destination. Thank you for letting
me having her here!
And thank you for playing host to her, Carina! Hopefully, she has taken her trail of flies and tummy worms with her! PPTHH!