Thursday 29 March 2012

Another Day...Another Eye Popping Paris Adventure...

...and there is nothing like a bit of last day sightseeing! It looks as if Dean has taken both "Kats" along with him. Brave man. I hope they were well behaved...

 "This is the Notre Dame de Paris and a nice day to go out for a walk before leaving to "E"'s house. The famous Point Zero is where all the roads in France were measured from. It is located right in front of the Notre Dame and is Famous because this is where Katerina and I met."
("Katerina", our Thessaloniki  Correspondent-Louise)

"Yes, what an eye popping sight!"

 "Sunny day and Phat Kat is happy  hungry."

But, it's not over yet! Dean has included another one of his videos for today's post. And, as always, it has the best soundtrack yet!:

"Zombie Kitty Kawaii! & Phat Kat visit Paris and all it's wonders ... well, not all of them!  After all, this is a children's program ..."

"The time in Paris for these two Kats is coming to an end.  But, it was good while it lasted.  And soon to be off to visit "E", so get ready Mr. E.  How are you gonna keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paris?!"

That is the question all of us are probably wondering...but I don't think this will be the last we hear from our Paris correspondent, Dean...just a feeling I have...


  1. After all this is a children's program :-))))))
    Wow, how much work for this video! I don't know why, but my favorite part is when Kitty lies flat on some roof.
    Yes, I also have a feeling that it won't be the end....

    1. Luckily we're all rather "big children". ;^)
      Dean, whether he knows it or not, is a really brilliant video maker and I'm inspired!
